
Overcharged by Amazon? Here’s How to Get every Dollar Back

Jina Yoo
7 mins to read
Amazon fba reimbursement for overcharged fee
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Explore effective strategies for Amazon sellers to identify and reclaim overcharges. Learn how to navigate the reimbursement process with proven tools and techniques. Protect your profits and ensure accurate billing on Amazon's platform.


Experienced Amazon sellers are well-acquainted with the convenience and scalability that Amazon’s FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) service offers. It simplifies logistics, provides storage, and handles shipping directly to customers, which allows sellers to focus more on product development and marketing. However, despite these advantages, the FBA system is not devoid of pitfalls, particularly concerning fee overcharges.

As many seasoned sellers might have encountered, these overcharges can range from minor errors in weight measurement to significant miscalculations in storage fees. Such discrepancies, although they might seem small at an individual level, can cumulatively lead to substantial financial setbacks over time. This makes it imperative for sellers to maintain a vigilant eye on their account statements. It is essential to detect any anomalies or unexpected charges that could indicate overcharging. We will explore effective strategies that enable sellers to not only identify these overcharges but also reclaim them successfully.

What Are the Different Types of Overcharges?

1. Weight Discrepancies: One of the most common issues Amazon FBA sellers face is being charged for incorrect weights. Amazon calculates shipping costs based on the weight they have on record, which sometimes does not match the actual weight of the products. This can happen due to errors in the initial weighing process or during repackaging by Amazon.

2. Incorrect Product Dimension: Incorrect product dimensions can lead to excessive Amazon fulfillment fees, as fees are calculated based on the size and weight needed for storage, handling, and shipping. Sellers should ensure their product dimensions are accurately recorded to prevent being overcharged due to improper packaging that increases fulfillment costs.

3. Excessive Storage Fees: These are charged based on the amount of space your inventory occupies in Amazon's fulfillment centers and the duration it stays there. Errors can occur in the measurement of space or in the duration calculation, leading to overcharges.

Amazon fba overcharged storage fees

Things to Keep in Mind When Filing for Reimbursement

Effective follow-up is key to ensuring your claim is resolved satisfactorily. Here’s what you should do:

Amazon fba seller central

Here are several strategies for maintaining meticulous records:
1. Monitor Case Status: Regularly check the status of your case in ‘Your Case Log’. Amazon typically responds within 24 to 48 hours.
2. Respond Promptly: If Amazon requests additional information, respond as quickly as possible with the requested details to keep the process moving.
3. Escalate if Necessary: If you don’t receive a satisfactory response or if the claim drags on, consider escalating the case by requesting a follow-up in Seller Central.
4. Document Everything: Keep a record of all interactions with Amazon regarding your claim, including emails, case numbers, and details of phone conversations. This documentation can be crucial if discrepancies continue or if the case needs to be escalated.

By following these steps and maintaining detailed records, you can increase the likelihood of successfully receiving reimbursement for any overcharges incurred.

Preventing Future Overcharges

Regular Audits

Refuly Amazon fba reimbursement solution for overcharged seller fee

Using Tools like Refully: Services like Refully specialize in FBA auditing. They automatically analyze your account for discrepancies in Amazon’s recorded fees versus actual transactions. Refully and similar tools can scan through transaction histories, compare charges with Amazon’s fee structure, and identify anomalies that may indicate overcharges. Regular use of such tools ensures continuous monitoring and quick detection of potential issues.

Scheduled Manual Audits: In addition to automated tools, setting a schedule for manual audits can also be beneficial. This might involve a monthly review of the account ledger, a quarterly deep dive into inventory management, and an annual comprehensive audit. These manual checks allow sellers to understand their account's nuances better and ensure automated tools haven't missed anything subtle.


In this blog post, we have explored the vital aspects of managing Amazon FBA fees to prevent and address overcharges, an issue that, if not monitored, can significantly erode your business's profits. Understanding the different types of overcharges—such as weight discrepancies, incorrect product dimension charges, and excessive storage fees—is the first crucial step. Armed with this knowledge, sellers can effectively scrutinize their monthly statements and employ powerful software tools like Refully to ensure that their accounts are accurate and free from unjust fees.

Amazon fba product dimension table for overcharged fee reimbursement

By being proactive in managing your Amazon FBA fees and utilizing strategic tools like Refully, you can safeguard your profits and ensure your business remains financially healthy. It is essential for Amazon sellers to stay vigilant, regularly educate themselves about Amazon’s evolving fee structures, and embrace technologies that facilitate efficient account management. Doing so will not only protect your bottom line but also empower you to focus more on growing your business and less on resolving financial discrepancies.