
Essential Steps for a Successful FBA Audit

Jina Yoo
7 mins to read
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A comprehensive guide to conducting an Amazon FBA audit to maximize profits and maintain compliance with Amazon's policies. Regular audits uncover discrepancies and help efficiently file for reimbursements. Using tools like Refully, you can streamline the process and enhance your Amazon business performance.


Conducting regular Amazon FBA audits is essential for any seller aiming to maximize profits and ensure compliance with Amazon's stringent policies. Without regular audits, sellers can miss out on identifying discrepancies that could lead to significant financial losses. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to effectively audit your Amazon FBA operations and highlight the importance of using services like Refully to manage the process efficiently.

Why Conduct an Amazon FBA Audit?

Regular Amazon FBA audits are crucial for maintaining the accuracy and efficiency of your business operations. They help identify discrepancies in inventory counts, fee assessments, and customer returns, allowing you to address issues promptly and avoid financial losses. Audits ensure that you are not overcharged for storage and fulfillment fees and that customer returns are handled correctly. They also help in streamlining reimbursement claims for lost or damaged inventory, enabling you to recover potential lost revenue. Furthermore, regular audits maintain compliance with Amazon's policies, preventing penalties and ensuring smooth operations. Using tools like Refully can automate these processes, making daily audits feasible and effective, ultimately boosting your business performance.

Common discrepancies that FBA audits uncover include:

• Lost inventory
• Damaged goods
• Incorrect fulfillment fees
• Overcharged storage fees
• Missing inbound shipments

Step-by-Step Audit Process

Step 1: Gather Necessary Reports

Start by collecting all relevant reports from Amazon Seller Central. The key reports include:
• Inventory Reconciliation Report: Provides data on inventory levels.
• Fee Preview Report: Details the fees Amazon charges for storage and fulfillment.
• Returns Report: Lists all customer returns and their statuses.
• Shipment Report: Includes data on inbound and outbound shipments.
• Compliance Report: Ensures your operations adhere to Amazon’s policies.

Step 2: Analyze Inventory Data

Examine the Inventory Reconciliation Report to identify discrepancies in stock levels. Look for:
Lost Inventory: Items listed in your inventory that are not accounted for.
Damaged Inventory: Items marked as damaged in Amazon's records.
• Miscounted Inventory: Discrepancies between your records and Amazon’s count.

Step 3: Review Fee Charges

Use the Fee Preview Report to verify the accuracy of fees charged by Amazon. Check for:
Overcharged Fees: Incorrect fees based on inaccurate product dimensions or weights.
• Storage Fees: Ensure you are not overpaying for storage space.

Step 4: Inspect Customer Returns

Review the Returns Report to ensure accuracy in how Amazon handles returns. Identify:
• Refund Discrepancies: Refunds issued without the return of the product.
• Damaged Returns: Items returned in a damaged state.
• Incorrect Returns: Different items returned than those sold.

Step 5: Check Shipping Discrepancies

Analyze the Shipment Report to detect errors in shipping. Look for:
Lost Shipments: Shipments that were sent but not received.
• Damaged Goods: Items damaged during transit.
• Incorrect Shipping Charges: Overcharges or incorrect fees for shipping.

Step 6: Verify Policy Compliance

Regularly review the Compliance Report to ensure adherence to Amazon’s policies. This includes:
• Listing Compliance: Ensure all product listings meet Amazon’s guidelines.
• Operational Compliance: Verify that your operations comply with Amazon’s standards to avoid penalties.

Post-Audit Actions and Best Practices

Analyzing Audit Results

Review audit results to identify patterns and recurring issues. This analysis will help in improving future processes and preventing similar discrepancies.

Implementing Changes Based on Audit Findings

Implement necessary changes based on audit findings to optimize your inventory management and fulfillment processes.

Maintaining Compliance with Amazon’s Policies

Regular audits and compliance checks ensure that your business adheres to Amazon’s policies, preventing penalties and account suspensions.


Conducting regular Amazon FBA audits is essential for maintaining the health and profitability of your business. By identifying discrepancies in inventory, fees, and customer returns, you can take corrective actions promptly and avoid significant financial losses. Utilizing tools like Refully can streamline this process, making daily audits feasible and effective. Implementing best practices and compliance measures based on audit findings will ensure your operations align with Amazon's policies, preventing penalties and enhancing overall business performance. Regular audits not only protect your bottom line but also foster a proactive approach to inventory management and customer satisfaction.